About EEN
The Enterprise Europe Network started to operate in Latvia on 29 February 2008. The Network brought together previously existing European Information Centre founded on 1997 under Latvian Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) and Innovation Relay Centre, which worked under Latvian Technological Centre (LTC).
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) provides support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by helping to innovate and grow on an international scale. EEN is active in more than 60 countries worldwide bringing together 3000 experts from more than 600 member organisations. EEN is co-financed under the European Union’s programme for the competitiveness of SMEs (COSME).
Teams of Network experts in each member country know the local business environment and have contacts for business opportunities worldwide.
The European Business Support Network is funded by the SMP (Single Market Programme) for the period 2021-2025 (previously COSME – the EU Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for 2014-2020, and before that, the European Commission’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) for 2007-2013). It operates based on a one-stop agency principle to provide integrated services.